Friday, July 16, 2010

AC and me....

When it's rippin' hot out I like to go to the mall. They really know how to use an air conditioner over there. And at the movies, too.

Our first couple of places in Pleasanton had wall air conditioning units. Mostly these machines just made a bunch of racket. I think the idea was to give you such a splitting headache that you would forget your brain was about to boil.

One time we returned to the place on Pleasanton Ave. after being gone for a few days and it was so hot in there that we started cracking up, it was actually comical. It didn't seem real. Why didn't the building spontaneously combust?

We used to drag the mattress over in front of the ac unit. Just so we could hear it better.

So, when it got too hot, we would split for the mall or the movie theater. I'm pretty sure movie theaters were among the first buildings to install central air, just for that reason. What better way to bring in customers?

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