Monday, December 21, 2009

Pocahontas Dances With Avatar

I really didn't like that movie.

I knew I wasn't going to like Avatar because I'm not a big fan of CGI, and the movie is all almost entirely CGI. Oddly enough, though, the CGI was all I even sort of enjoyed about the movie.

It's easy to see where the money went ($300 mil, $500 mil, or something like that). The planet Pandora is a fully realized world unto itself with amazing attention to detail.

But it goes downhill from there. The story idea would be rejected by a high school freshman english teacher for lack of originality, and the script is worse.

The plot can be distilled down to one sentence:

The Corporate Bad Guys, having already destroyed Earth, employ their Evil Military Stooges to exploit the simple, yet spiritually deep indigenous people of Pandora to get at the mineral Unobtanium.

That's it.

Oh, brother.

And , yes, I said “Unobtanium”. The mineral is supposedly worth $20 million a gram, yet the Chief Corporate Baddie keeps a chunk in an ashtray on his desk. It seems that in 2154 $20 mil doesn't go as far as it used to. Maybe the runaway inflation some people are currently worried about actually comes to pass.

The movie would have been a blast as a thirty-minute travelogue of a fictional planet on the Discovery Channel. But, man, two hours and forty minutes?

Who do I see to get that time back?

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